Collapse the talent stack every chance you get. As I reflect on the teams I’ve led and hundreds of start-ups I’ve worked with, there is a consistent unfair competitive advantage i’ve witnessed when the talent stack was collapsed - when the lead designer was also the product… Show more

Collapse the talent stack every chance you get. As I reflect on the teams I’ve led and hundreds of start-ups I’ve worked with, there is a consistent unfair competitive advantage i’ve witnessed when the talent stack was collapsed - when the lead designer was also the product… Show more

Scott Belsky Collapsing the Talent Stack, Persona-Led Growth & Designing Organizations for the Future

sari added

Scott Belsky The Interface Layer: Where Design Commoditizes Tech

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Scott Belsky Crafting The First Mile Of Product

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Scott Belsky What Is “Seeing the Matrix” for a Product Leader?

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sari and added Crossing the Canyon: Product Manager to Product Leader — Reforge

Scott Belsky Talent Density, Feeling Special as a Service, Moving Past Prompts, and Product Leadership.

and added

Andrew Bosworth Focus
