There are a lot of ways to participate in AI I asked who was helping business *adopt* AI Over +100 responses I summarized (not with AI) the answers into a 1-pager, bunch of cool insights Here's my read on the situation: * The TAM is massive, still so many businesses trying to figure out AI * If you do deployments you’ll need to spend a of time hand holding clients through scoping projects (not unlike other dev works) since the material is so new * Lot’s of opportunity in education * The hard part isn’t the expertise, it’s distribution (like all other services) * Lot’s of opportunity for simple process automation (instead of full-stack apps)

Thumbnail of www-twitter-com-gregkamradt-status-1784991244466446663Thumbnail of www-twitter-com-gregkamradt-status-1784991244466446663
There are a lot of ways to participate in AI I asked who was helping business *adopt* AI Over +100 responses I summarized (not with AI) the answers into a 1-pager, bunch of cool insights Here's my read on the situation: * The TAM is massive, still so many businesses trying to figure out AI * If you do deployments you’ll need to spend a of time hand holding clients through scoping projects (not unlike other dev works) since the material is so new * Lot’s of opportunity in education * The hard part isn’t the expertise, it’s distribution (like all other services) * Lot’s of opportunity for simple process automation (instead of full-stack apps)

Abie Cohen added

alex and added

Thumbnail of www-x-com-northstarbrain-status-1843979530983116975Thumbnail of www-x-com-northstarbrain-status-1843979530983116975


The Death of the Big 4: AI-Enabled Services Are Opening a Whole New Market

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swyx You Are Not Too Old (To Pivot Into AI)

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Reconsidering the Role of AI: Valuing Process Over Output


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