The problem: Technology and music have always engaged in a symbiotic path towards innovation and creativity. The first recording devices, synthesizers, and even records were a result of technological innovators. Likewise, the first computers and mobile devices prioritized music as a key feature. The way we produce, consume, and support music has ch... See more
Lerer Hippeau • Please welcome HIFI, a financial rights organization for the music industry
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Mike Evans added
Maarten added
Music, at its most foundational level, is not an economy in many places, because there is no infrastructure to support it.
The top 1% of musicians now make ~77% of revenue in music. Many factions of the independent musical infrastructure have become closer and closer aligned with corporate interests and advertising supported journalistic models in order to keep their head just slightly above water, and are in danger of losing their distinction and identity as a result.
Mat Dryhurst • SoundCrowd: Tokenizing & Collectivizing Soundcloud
sari added
Of the $40 billion in annual revenue earned by the music industry, only 12% is actually paid out to artists. The remainder goes to institutional middlemen like agents, platforms, and record labels, unfairly cheating creators out of the fruits of their labor. Moreover, fans, whose engagement almost entirely drives these revenue streams, are given no... See more
Paul Veradittakit • Tokenized Royalties
sari added
Platforms, Creative Communities, and the Need for a Radical Reimagining - The Reboot
Tim Maughanthereboot.comsari added