Why Is It So Hard to Change?

Jon Kabat-Zinn Wherever You Go, There You Are

Oliver Burkeman The Awkwardness Principle

Thomas Klaffke on LinkedIn: #systemchange #change #changemanagement #changecommunication

Thumbnail of Thomas Klaffke on LinkedIn: #systemchange #change #changemanagement #changecommunication

William A. Adams Mastering Leadership: An Integrated Framework for Breakthrough Performance and Extraordinary Business Results

Break the Wheel: Question Best Practices, Hone Your Intuition, and Do Your Best Work

Jay Acunzo

Cover of Break the Wheel: Question Best Practices, Hone Your Intuition, and Do Your Best Work

Michael A. Singer The Surrender Experiment: My Journey into Life's Perfection

Henry Cloud Boundaries for Leaders

Why You Fail at Almost Everything You Do

Dan Koethedankoe.com