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What Does Slow AI Look Like?
Today’s knowledge workers carry a growing sense of anxiety. We have more tools than ever, but these options rarely match how we actually create. Rather than build more technology that keeps us on a miserable hamster wheel of churning out more shallow content, we have a unique opportunity to design tools that encourage us to slow down and create wit... See more
Sari Azout • The End of Productivity
It’s gonna take you a while.
It’s normal to take a while.
It’d be weird if you made something beautiful so quickly.
The problem isn’t that you’re not working fast enough.
The problem is your expectations are not realistic.
Our AI helps you slow the fuck down and make something wonderful.
— From Sublime’s newsletter, “What does slow AI look like?”
What does slow AI look like?
Adam Grant • Are We Too Impatient to Be Intelligent?
Speed and efficiency are the promise of modernity. But speed and efficiency are all destination and no journey. And it is journey that gives life meaning.
How do we reclaim the joy of doing something slow and difficult, the satisfaction of not doing what is easiest? If more effort is wasted doing things that don’t matter (doomscrolling for hours) th... See more
How do we reclaim the joy of doing something slow and difficult, the satisfaction of not doing what is easiest? If more effort is wasted doing things that don’t matter (doomscrolling for hours) th... See more
Doing fewer things and working at a natural pace are both absolutely necessary components of this philosophy, but if those earlier principles are implemented on their own, without an accompanying obsession with quality, they might serve only to fray your relationship to work over time—casting your professional efforts as an imposition that you must
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