added by Echraghi and · updated 18d ago
What Does Slow AI Look Like?
- Great software products aren’t simply a collection of buttons, icons, and menus. They shape how we think and who we aspire to be.
The problem isn’t that machines are becoming more human-like, it’s that humans are becoming more machine-like in an effort to keep up.
There are no shortcuts to hard-won insight.
No one does this in a snap.
But it’s hard to ... See more - So I’ll end with a very weird question: What does slow AI look like? We’ve automatically assumed that the way we interact with it is instantaneous. Are we sure that’s right? Would it be interesting to be able to say to an AI, Look, over the next three or four months, can you give me some ideas about holidays in Greece? Do we want to make that decis... See more
from Are We Too Impatient to Be Intelligent? by Adam Grant
cheaper to run this way?