every internet person should read these words by steven pressfield
Great, great question. In the world of writing, everyone wants to succeed immediately and without pain or effort. Really? Or they love to write books about how to write books, rather than actually writing . . . a book that might actually be about something. Bad advice is everywhere. Build a following. Establish a platform. Learn how to scam the sys
... See moreTimothy Ferriss • Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice from the Best in the World

When we sing in the shower, we hardly expect applause. In fact, that would be awfully weird.
But online, when just about anyone might be clicking, watching or sharing, it’s disappointing to put your work into the world and hear nothing.
Nothing but a black hole that absorbs your best work and reflects nothing back.
And if that happens again and again,... See more
But online, when just about anyone might be clicking, watching or sharing, it’s disappointing to put your work into the world and hear nothing.
Nothing but a black hole that absorbs your best work and reflects nothing back.
And if that happens again and again,... See more
Many of us are wired to look at work as something that should produce monetary rewards. Or at least with writing, some amount of attention, or new followers. But on the internet, sustained attention may take years to materialize, if at all. And too many people are focused on short-term followers instead of the genuine credibility that can come from... See more
Paul Millerd • Follow the Clues | #251
"If you make lists of lofty goals, it can be easy to leave them to accumulate, as happens sometimes, into a mountain of to-do's and notes and half-forgotten plans. Dreaming alone is seductive, even a little sweet, since it lacks the pain of trying. So it feels proper to prize attempts more than dreams. You should have ideals, but you cannot only lo... See more
3-2-1: On getting what you deserve, the power of flexibility, and how good decisions are made
The life we call “normal” isn’t normal at all. A spouse and kids, a mortgage, a 9-to-5 job... who said that was life? What’s so great about working in a factory or a cubicle? You and I, who are artists and entrepreneurs, live a life that’s closer to natural, if you ask me. We migrate, too. We follow the muse instead of the sun.... See more
All addictions share,
Steven Pressfield • Turning Pro – by Steven Pressfield
Howard Aiken—the inventor of the earliest general purpose computer—was never worried about people stealing his ideas. “If your ideas are any good” he’s quoted as saying, “you'll have to ram them down people's throats.” And yet, we think that the moment that we hit the dance floor, all eyes will be on us. The moment we hit publish, the world will ta... See more
Zac Solomon • Freedom in Obscurity
In a world where we can outsource productivity to technology, the people who reap the biggest rewards aren’t those who work the fastest.
They’re the people who make things that are wonderful, original, weird, emotionally resonant, and authentic. As our feeds become flooded with instant, AI-generated content, the most dangerous thing you can do is pl... See more
They’re the people who make things that are wonderful, original, weird, emotionally resonant, and authentic. As our feeds become flooded with instant, AI-generated content, the most dangerous thing you can do is pl... See more