Translucent electric cars ☼ A tropical sea-view Japanese home ☼ Liquid color lamps
Our project featured in Harper’s Bazaar Intérieurs: New house we designed in Stockholm. Together with our client Pontus & Hanna, we planned and designed the architectural structure, landscape and distribution of spaces together with the interiors. The disposition of space on the ground floor was designed as a sociable, fluid space with visual axes throughout all main areas. The overall warm atmosphere is contrasted with rough concrete for the fire place and sanded limestone portals. #halleroed #dessellepartners #harperbazaarinteriors Photo @henriklundell
instagram.comAccoutrements like lights made from rusty plumbing fixtures were left behind in favor of houseplants (succulents especially) and highly textured fiber art, evoking West Coast bohemia more than hardscrabble New York City.