Time is the best editor.
If you have it, time is the easiest trick for self-editing. Simply put your work away long enough so when you come back to it you can see it with fresh eyes.
Saved by sari and
Time is the best editor. If you have it, time is the easiest trick for self-editing. Simply put your work away long enough so when you come back to it you can see it with fresh eyes.
Time is the best editor.
If you have it, time is the easiest trick for self-editing. Simply put your work away long enough so when you come back to it you can see it with fresh eyes.
Saved by sari and
You might prefer one approach to making time to write, but the reality of your day-to-day life may mean you need to use a combination to move your writing forward. Be flexible, keep experimenting with different approaches, don’t compare yourself to others, and most importantly don’t compare yourself to an idealised future-you or a rose-tinted versi
... See moreBut all of this, at every step, is more felt than decided. When I’m writing well, there’s almost no intellectual/analytical thinking going on. When I first found this method, it felt so freeing. I didn’t have to worry, didn’t have to decide, I just had to be there as I read my story fresh each time, watching that meter, willing to (playfully) make
... See moreIt’s important (not to mention reassuring) to keep in mind that writing is a process. It is rarely possible to address all of a story’s trouble spots in a single draft, so don’t be hard on yourself. It’s not you; it’s the nature of the beast.
By patience, I’m not referring just to the amount of time that creation will take, but also the long view with which you evaluate your own work.
It might feel like a waste, but it works: Write more, so you can edit more. Starting with raw thoughts then slicing down your fluff to the core essentials is how you get to genius.