This Is What Happened When We Stopped for an Hour Every Fortnight

“Why focus on the process when the world is outcome driven? Don’t results matter?
Yes, results do matter. But if you optimize for the outcome, you win one time.
If you optimize for a process that leads to great outcomes, you can win again and again.”
Yes, results do matter. But if you optimize for the outcome, you win one time.
If you optimize for a process that leads to great outcomes, you can win again and again.”
James Clear • 3-2-1: On the costs of habits, major life changes, and what money can't buy

If You Want to Live a Life Rich in Meaning, First You Must Learn How to Do Nothing

So much of humanity has been all about "HOW to do" something (aka skill development). Our educational system, product onboardings - and entire categories of products, were all about teaching us how. Now it feels like we're entering an era of humanity all about "WHAT to do" (as…
The fundamental change we need is a shift from a feeling- centered approach to decisions to a purpose- centered approach. The question isn’t “What do I feel like doing?” but, rather, “what needs to be done?” All the time management systems in the world won’t really help us very much until we’ve developed the capacity to make decisions based on purp
... See moreGregg Krech • The Art of Taking Action: Lessons From Japanese Psychology
But in this process, we must remember something important: life is not meant to be rushed through. It is not a race, nor is it a problem to be solved. It is an experience to be lived, and living well requires presence. To focus on one thing deeply, to give it your full attention, is to experience it fully. And when we do this, something remarkable ... See more