The right time to scale your SaaS - The 3 scale-readiness indicators
When you get these three things dialed in — attention, retention, and pricing — scale is a lot easier.
Taylor A. Welch • The Wealthy Consultant: Confessions of a 9-Figure Advisor
Ted Glasnow and added
A value metric however allows you to have essentially infinite price points — maximizing your revenue potential.
Lenny's Newsletter • Pricing your SaaS product
Ted Glasnow added
“Scale” in this sense is just your ability to push & pull these 3 levers: Sell more clients At higher & higher price points While getting the work done in less & less time I recommend tackling these levers one at a time (first, focus on getting more clients, second raise your prices, and third work on creating efficiencies so you don’t
... See moreNicolas Cole • The Art & Business Of Ghostwriting: How To Make $10,000+ Per Month Writing For Other People Online
3. Scale up As a product gains traction, the question becomes, "How do we grow?". This introduces a new focus: maximizing key growth metrics. For example, in the case of a ride-sharing app, increasing the number of rides taken might be a task.
Jesse Weaver • Human-Centered Design Dies at Launch
Mo Shafieeha added
Scalability is everything with internet scale businesses. An internet scale business is one with audiences around the world and focus on reducing friction. Look at 1. Scale of users (retention), 2. Time spent per day, 3. Supply: quality of tools to onboard advertisers.
Invest like the Best • Internet Scale Businesses
Jay Matthews added
Land and Expand SMB / Mid-Market SaaS: ~90% is GOOD, ~110% is GREAT
Lenny Rachitsky • What is good retention
sari added