Saved by Nika Talbot and
The Minimalist Entrepreneur: How Great Founders Do More with Less
Saved by Nika Talbot and
Being a member of a community is a start, but the real magic happens when you start to contribute.
If your product costs $10 a month, like Gumroad’s, you need two hundred customers.
For every group with a shared interest, there’s a Facebook group, a Reddit community, a Twitter or Instagram hashtag, or some other form of gathering and sharing ideas on the web. There are often several. Join them all.
What’s more, if you go further and create by showing what you’re working on, teaching what you’re learning, and bringing new material to your community,
become a pillar in a community,
“A healthy man wants a thousand things, a sick man only wants one,”
If you contribute, you will have ten times the presence of someone who doesn’t. And it will continue to grow from there.
Place utility: Make something inaccessible accessible ο Form utility: Make something more valuable by rearranging existing parts ο Time utility: Make something slow go fast ο Possession utility: Remove a middleman