The Lean Entrepreneur: How Visionaries Create Products, Innovate with New Ventures, and Disrupt Markets
The Lean Entrepreneur: How Visionaries Create Products, Innovate with New Ventures, and Disrupt Markets
Intuit turned to the following three love metrics: 1. Net Promoter Score, which measures the willingness of a customer to refer a product to others. 2. Active usage, which measures customer engagement with a product. 3. Customer benefits, which measures whether a product’s promise is achieved. As Molotsi further
Fast change comes in times of cheap experimentation.
linchpins: A term coined by Seth Godin to describe the “indispensable employee” who “brings humanity and connection and art to her organization.”
Flow in lean circles means that manufacturing is pulled through the product development process so that each component is built only when demanded by the next step in the process.
One way to think about it: inside a tech-wave, the platforms are dominated by a few large players, an oligopoly. The platform enables other companies to create value for customers.
we’ll make the case that innovating in uncertainty requires a highly iterative approach.
In the value-creation economy, customers are empowered by: Having a product experience that exceeds their needs. Having a relationship with the company in which the company treats them respectfully. Having a voice in the product.
a juggernaut of technological and cultural