The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months
Brian P. Moran, Michael
The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months
Once you see your vision as possible, then you begin the shift from possible to the next level: probable. You make this shift by asking the question that we avoided earlier: How might I? How is not a bad question; in fact, it is a perfectly good question, but the timing is critical. Ask it too early, and it shuts down the whole process, but once yo
... See moreFigure 2.1 Your results are ultimately a manifestation of your thinking.
To get different results, you will have to do things differently and do different things.
universe will not respond to your desires, no matter how passionate or intense they are. The one thing that moves the universe is action. As we discussed earlier, vision matters in that it defines the end game and the overall direction you want to go. Vision also provides the motivation to act, but vision without action is just a dream. It is the c
... See moreTrue accountability actively confronts the truth, it confronts with freedom of choice and the consequences of those choices. In this way accountability is extremely empowering, but you must be willing to confront reality and the truth of your situation.
The other option is to again set a 12 week goal but, rather than building a tactical plan, you identify a keystone (or core) action and commit to completing it for the next 12 weeks. In certain instances a full plan works best, while in others a keystone commitment is most productive.
you only need to be 85 percent effective on the top priorities to achieve excellence!
The power of buffer blocks comes from grouping together activities that tend to be unproductive so that you can increase your efficiency in dealing with them and take greater control over the rest of your day.
These types of statements reflect the mistaken notion that accountability is something that can and must be imposed; that’s not accountability, that’s consequences.