Solving the Engineering Strategy crisis.
A strategy is a high-level plan to achieve one or more goals under conditions of uncertainty, designed through recognizing the challenge (diagnosis), setting a direction to overcome it (guiding policy), and detailing steps to implement the policy (coherent actions).
Packy McCormick • In Defense of Strategy
sari added
The act of writing a strategy leads folks through a systematic analysis, so, even if we don’t share them, writing these documents helps us work through quite a few challenges, both overwhelming and mundane.
Will Larson • An Elegant Puzzle: Systems of Engineering Management
Qualities of great strategy: p roblem-oriented: clearly identifies the problem; i nsight-driven: rooted in insights, both quantitative and qualitative; actionable: outlines concrete actions/investments that will solve this problem; focused: has a small number of high-leverage bets; cohesive: create a clear path from the problem to the solution.
Lenny Rachitsky • Getting better at product strategy
Kyle Steinike added
26: distinguish good strategy vs meh strategyGood: all about connecting the dots to get people from a to bIf you are given a metric, you have to get every artifact you have and match it to that goal.
Pay close attention to assumptions you are making unknowingly- look for confusion in people when you explain
33: when you start at a new company and wor... See more
Pay close attention to assumptions you are making unknowingly- look for confusion in people when you explain
33: when you start at a new company and wor... See more
Lenny Rachitsky • Jackie Bavaro on getting better at product strategy, what exactly is strategy, PM pitfalls to avoid, advancing your career, getting into management, and much more
Tom So added
A good strategy always contains three elements: Diagnosis (define the nature of the challenge in simple terms), Guiding Policy (the overall approach you've chosen to use) and Coherent Actions (steps required to carry out the policy).
Matthijs Roumen • Let op: Dít is de definitie van strategie 🤔
Jesse Burkunk added
Qualities of great strategy
- Problem-oriented : Clearly identifies the problem
- Insight-driven : Rooted in insights, both quantitative and qualitative
- Actionable : Outlines concrete actions/investments that will solve this problem
- Focused : Has a small number of high-leverage bets
- Cohesive : Create a clear path from the problem to the solution
Lenny Rachitsky • Getting better at product strategy
Sarah Wong added