slippery slope fallacy - Google Search
Succumbing to the Slothful Induction Fallacy can lead to: Misunderstandings: Drawing weak conclusions can prevent us from understanding a situation fully. Missed Opportunities: If we jump to conclusions without due diligence, we might miss out on better solutions or insights. Propagation of Myths: These hasty conclusions can become widely accepted
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This simplification is what leads to the false dilemma fallacy, also known as the either/or fallacy. It's the erroneous thinking pattern that presents only two options or solutions when, in reality, there are more.
Neuronswaves • Critical Thinking, Logic &Amp; Problem Solving

This is where we use examples from the past to make definite conclusions about what is going to happen in the future. Popper considered this kind of thinking pseudoscience, or worse—a dangerous ideology that tempts wannabe state planners and utopians to control society. He did not consider such historicist doctrines falsifiable.