Sketchplanations - A weekly explanation in a sketch
Yet, among the hundreds of successful creatives I’ve interviewed, a fearless approach to sharing ideas is one of the most common attributes. Why? Because having the idea is just one tiny step along the road to making that idea happen.
Scott Belsky • Making Ideas Happen: Overcoming the Obstacles Between Vision and Reality
In short, remember that compliments are worthless and people’s approval doesn’t make your business better. Keep your idea and your ego out of the conversation until you’re ready to ask for commitments. Rule of thumb: If you’ve mentioned your idea, people will try to protect your feelings.
Rob Fitzpatrick • The Mom Test: How to talk to customers & learn if your business is a good idea when everyone is lying to you
1. Gather around a solution sketch. 2. Set a timer for three minutes. 3. The Facilitator narrates the sketch. (“Here it looks like a customer is clicking to play a video, and then clicking over to the details page . . .”) 4. The Facilitator calls out standout ideas that have clusters of stickers by them. (“Lots of dots by the animated video . . .”)
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