Risk-Aversion Is Killing Romance - By Freya India - GIRLS
Take a chance! Trust someone! Fall in love! Feel something! Build something meaningful and scary and try your best not to blow it up
freyaindia.co.uk • Risk-Aversion Is Killing Romance - By Freya India - GIRLS
You’ve been duped into thinking you can create a life without danger, one liberated from constraints and uncomfortable emotions, and that such a life is desirable. But you can’t, and it’s not. If you connect with someone and it comes with the risk of losing something, good. You’re alive!
freyaindia.co.uk • Risk-Aversion Is Killing Romance - By Freya India - GIRLS
There’s no love without vulnerability. There’s no life without fear . And you will no doubt derail romance if you are too risk-averse.
freyaindia.co.uk • Risk-Aversion Is Killing Romance - By Freya India - GIRLS
Jonathan Haidt is right when he talks about the sudden switch from play-based to phone-based childhoods and how it destroyed mental health—particularly for young girls. Our childhoods weren’t spent toying with risk and danger, teaching ourselves we could cope with it, learning that it’s baked into life. We had bans on play fighting. Health and safe... See more