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Psychic Shit Happens All The Time
a) I’m sick of pretending that psychic stuff doesn’t exist, and, b) materialism is bullshit. This office-park-version-of-reality charade has gone on long enough.
Kristin Posehn • Psychic Shit Happens All The Time
Your EEG is an ocean. Separating this signal out into different waveforms can tell us a bunch about what you’re experiencing. We might look at your beta waves, from 15-30 Hz, which are associated with your experience of active conscious processing. Or theta, from 4-7 Hz, which you make lots of in REM sleep, as well as flow, hypnagogic, and creative... See more
Kristin Posehn • Psychic Shit Happens All The Time
Here’s the deal with theta: it’s a different kind of knowing than beta. Beta is a crisp, oh-I-just-cogitated-this-thought. But experience in theta is knowing. Theta hits you in a total, murky, deep-but-diffuse way.
Kristin Posehn • Psychic Shit Happens All The Time
Your everyday beta knowing feels like, hey here’s a knowledge I found, let us rotate and consider this sparkling, clearly-defined concept. Theta’s not like that. Theta knowing extends with no clear edge, even implicating you, whether you want it or not you’re part of the knowledge like some inseparable field and wave.
Kristin Posehn • Psychic Shit Happens All The Time
I’m not saying material life isn’t a thing. I drink H20 and shit entropy like the rest of the species. I’m saying it’s a lot weirder than we’ve dreamt of in any of these peer-reviewed philosophies. Physics is great. I love satellites and semiconductor chips. But we are, um, aware it’s incomplete, and we can’t begin to describe more if we don’t even... See more
Kristin Posehn • Psychic Shit Happens All The Time
In some domains we have a great deal of objectivity. In others, we can’t possibly separate observer and information, it’s all entangled. I’m saying that’s a natural feature of how our brains work. God only knows what else is going on in there. Trying to isolate or explain a psychic experience is like trying to isolate or interpret an artwork. Good ... See more
Kristin Posehn • Psychic Shit Happens All The Time
One night I went home and dreamed. I stood in an unassuming living room, except that an entire wall was perfect glass looking out onto a cold, otherworldly, rocky terrain with no life as far as the eye could see. Suddenly, through the glass I saw my grandmother. She was blue in the face, agitated, obviously unable to breathe, hypoxic, and gesturing... See more
Kristin Posehn • Psychic Shit Happens All The Time
Can’t make this shit up.
Eastern philosophies and yogic systems have developed incredibly sophisticated, broad-spectrum models of consciousness. Western science, on the other hand, has managed to construct an edifice of physics and neuroscience while thinking in 15-30 Hz that pretty much exclusively describes phenomena we experience in 15-30 Hz, relegating everything else ... See more
Kristin Posehn • Psychic Shit Happens All The Time
If I were going to study psychic shit, my money would be on theta providing access to a buffet of non-local information. Like weird, action-at-a-distance, outside of conventional time and space info. This is a different kind of knowledge, and you can’t approach it like regular, daylight, yes-no questions, because it’s not structured that way.