Plays Well with Others: The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know About Relationships Is (Mostly) Wrong
Plays Well with Others: The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know About Relationships Is (Mostly) Wrong
Canada and the UK have both dropped Reid-style interrogation, finding it to be coercive and unethical.
readability is more important than reading skills. People-reading skills aren’t that variable,
Why are frenemies more stressful than enemies? It’s the unpredictability.
If it scares you, say it. You don’t need to go full bore just yet.
Doesn’t matter if you’re actually guilty or not: it’ll get a confession out of most people.
not being vulnerable kills friendships.
National Academy of Sciences has gone on the record, saying that “the Federal government should not rely on polygraph examinations for screening prospective or current employees to identify spies or other national security risks because the test results are too inaccurate.” With as little as fifteen minutes of training, people have been able to con
... See moreInstead of focusing on not judging a book by its cover, it would be more useful to say we would be better off putting more effort into revising the judgments we will undoubtedly make.
The Friendly Journalist Method™ doesn’t focus on making your lie detection skills better; it focuses on making their lie-telling skills worse. How do we do that?