But in practice, little space has been made for different values to be discussed or enacted. Which is why, in the absence of ways to enact our shared values, we default to the lowest common denominator: profit.
Sam Hart • Positive Sum Worlds: Remaking Public Goods
Were there no uncertainty, but merely quantifiable risk in patterns of production and consumption, competition would drive all prices to a stable and commoditized equilibrium.
Sacha Meyers • Bitcoin Is Venice: Essays on the Past and Future of Capitalism
The Hacking of Culture and the Creation of Socio-Technical Debt - Journal #146
e-flux.comBut how many look at the "public goods" funded in the crypto space and see their values reflected? What are the shared values of UNI holders, or Ethereans?
Sam Hart • Positive Sum Worlds: Remaking Public Goods
It is only recently that the elaboration, the modeling of one’s personal and social identity, has been reorganized to conform to the uninterrupted operation of markets, information networks, and other systems.
Jonathan Crary • 24/7: Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep
The main paper I've been working on for the last 3 years is out: "Value Capture"! It's about the harms of taking on external metrics and rankings as your own core values.
The argument: you're outsourcing your values. It's fast, but then your values won't be tailored to you.🧵:
It seems to me that the words “value” and “values” have become our commonsense shorthand for how to think about such complicated questions. It’s not a terrible one. Still, even this is more an ideal of how we like to think things should work than an accurate representation of how they actually do work. After all, it’s not as if life is really divid
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