Opinion | Can We Make Pop Culture Great Again?
I’ve been writing lately about how American politics seem to have moved into a new dispensation — more unsettled and extreme, but also perhaps more energetic and dynamic. One benefit of unsettlement, famously adumbrated by Orson Welles’s villainous Harry Lime in “The Third Man,” is supposed to be cultural ferment: “In Italy for 30 years under the B... See more
Opinion | Can We Make Pop Culture Great Again?
Are we becoming too bored, too comforted, to create any real change?
It’s possible that the idea of an “important” work of popular art, like the idea of movie stardom, simply can’t survive the transition to the digital era. The journalist and novelist Ross Barkan has done interesting writing on this theme, borrowing from Bret Easton Ellis’s concepts of “Empire” and “Post-Empire” to describe a shift from the post-Wor... See more
Opinion | Can We Make Pop Culture Great Again?
Nothing has much influence or longevity