No More Mr. Nice Guy

As recovering Nice Guys begin to take responsibility for how they let people treat them, their own behavior begins to change. As they stop reinforcing things they aren’t willing to tolerate, the people around them are given the opportunity to behave differently. This gives relationships a chance to survive and grow.
Robert Glover • No More Mr. Nice Guy
Good sex consists of two people taking full responsibility for meeting their own needs. It has no goal. It is free of agendas and expectations. Rather than being a performance, it is an unfolding of sexual energy.
Robert Glover • No More Mr. Nice Guy
1If it frightens you, do it. 2Don't settle. Every time you settle, you get exactly what you settled for. 3Put yourself first. 4No matter what happens, you will handle it. 5Whatever you do, do it 100%. 6If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always got. 7You are the only person on this planet responsible for your needs, want
... See moreRobert Glover • No More Mr. Nice Guy
The first is that they tend to recreate familiar, yet dissatisfying relationships. They find partners who will help them create the same dysfunctional kinds of relationships they experienced as children. These men then frequently see themselves as being victims to the dysfunction of their partners. Nice Guys have a difficult time seeing that they w
... See moreRobert Glover • No More Mr. Nice Guy
As you look at the reality of your life, ask yourself two questions: First, are you creating the life you want? Second, if not, why not?
Robert Glover • No More Mr. Nice Guy
what one man can do another man can do.
Robert Glover • No More Mr. Nice Guy
Good sex consists of two people taking full responsibility for meeting their own needs. It has no goal. It is free of agendas and expectations. Rather than being a performance, it is an unfolding of sexual energy.
Robert Glover • No More Mr. Nice Guy
The result of this distorted self-image is an emotional and cognitive glass ceiling. This invisible lid prevents Nice Guys from being all they can be. If they do try to rise above it, they bump their heads and tumble down to more familiar territory.
Robert Glover • No More Mr. Nice Guy
Rather than facing these fears — real or imagined — Nice Guys typically settle for operating at a fraction of their full potential.