Saved by Joey DeBruin
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It's time to invent the GPS for the internet.
Oliver Hunt • Page Not Found
To search is to know that which you seek. The very notion of search requires you to accurately label what you are looking for. Unfortunately, in unknown territory, we don't always know what we are looking for. Navigating unknown territory is an exercise in discovery, not recall.
Oliver Hunt • Page Not Found
Everyday, we land on the internet without a map. Instead, search is the dominant wayfinding paradigm. It is the information equivalent of exploring the local area at ground level. A search is a hypothesis, an instance of trial and error. With enough searches, we can usually get where we're going. However, we lack the overall context of how everythi... See more
Oliver Hunt • Page Not Found
On the internet, websites are like buildings, hyperlinks are like roads, traffic comes in the form of people and information. It is a complex system with many interacting parts.