Saved by Kalyani Tupkary and
My Favorite Questions
How can we go from accumulating insights to embodying and integrating learnings?
sari azout • My Favorite Questions
How can I maintain my creativity, optimism, intellectual vitality, and sense of agency in the face of the stress that comes from building a company and the endless forces luring towards conformity?
We start raw, then our hearts and minds get boiled by constraints, pressure, feedback, and challenges. How do we keep our head up and maintain our creat... See more
We start raw, then our hearts and minds get boiled by constraints, pressure, feedback, and challenges. How do we keep our head up and maintain our creat... See more
sari azout • My Favorite Questions
Being alive consists of nothing more than the sum of what we pay attention to.
sari azout • My Favorite Questions
How can we better align incentives between founders and funders, and enable more people to build enduring companies with patience, care, and preservation at the center?
sari azout • My Favorite Questions
In a 2017 interview, Ev Williams (the founder of Twitter), said something that has stuck with me since: “the trouble with algorithms, is that it rewards extremes. Say you’re driving down the road and see a car crash. Of course you look. Everyone looks. The internet interprets behavior like this to mean everyone is asking for car crashes, so it trie... See more
sari azout • My Favorite Questions
(7) How do we reconcile ambition and the desire to do great work with motherhood?
sari azout • My Favorite Questions
How can I maintain my creativity, optimism, intellectual vitality, and sense of agency in the face of the stress that comes from building a company and the endless forces luring towards conformity?