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My 12 Favorite Problems
I’ve learned that if I think about this problem on a daily basis— what positive impact can I have here and now on this day? —I start making better decisions. I begin doing better things. Even the smallest matters of daily life provide an opportunity for this. That’s reassuring—because those are constantly at hand and don’t require changing the whol... See more
Ted Gioia • My 12 Favorite Problems
How can I thrive while operating contrary to dominant social and cultural trends?
The experts all agree: the trend, they say, is your friend.
All you need to do is identify it, and then you ride it out. And, true enough, I’ve watched thousands of people make a buck doing just that. If you are active in the arts, that may be the single most obvious t... See more
The experts all agree: the trend, they say, is your friend.
All you need to do is identify it, and then you ride it out. And, true enough, I’ve watched thousands of people make a buck doing just that. If you are active in the arts, that may be the single most obvious t... See more
Ted Gioia • My 12 Favorite Problems
I spend a lot of time seeking out music from different countries and regions, and with each passing year the challenge of finding something distinctively local increases.
This is a tremendous loss for everybody—akin to losing a species or an entire ecosystem. I feel I’m fighting a losing battle, but I refuse to walk away from the challenge.
This is a tremendous loss for everybody—akin to losing a species or an entire ecosystem. I feel I’m fighting a losing battle, but I refuse to walk away from the challenge.
Ted Gioia • My 12 Favorite Problems
As a writer and culture critic, I operate at the intersection between these corporations and the mass audience. My influence is limited, but if I don’t play a part in trying to revitalize and refresh our artistic idioms, I will have wasted much of the potential of my vocation.
This is why, for example, I listen to so much new music and read so many ... See more
This is why, for example, I listen to so much new music and read so many ... See more