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Maker's Schedule, Manager's Schedule
So if a certain activity really matters to you—a creative project, say, though it could just as easily be nurturing a relationship, or activism in the service of some cause—the only way to be sure it will happen is to do some of it today, no matter how little, and no matter how many other genuinely big rocks may be begging for your attention. After
... See moreOliver Burkeman • Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals
This can create a huge conflict if those needing maker time are pulled into meetings at odd hours, destroying the very time blocks they need to move themselves and the company forward. Graham embraced this insight and created a company culture at Y Combinator that now runs completely on a maker’s schedule. All meetings get clustered at the end of t
... See moreGary Keller, Jay Papasan • The ONE Thing
Rory Sutherland • Are We Too Impatient to Be Intelligent?

Making Ideas Happen: Overcoming the Obstacles Between Vision and Reality
Scott Belsky • 1 highlight