Saved by Sam Blumenthal
Livestreaming monetisation models
Livestreaming as a medium is a conflation of a product as well as as a distribution channel. It exists on a spectrum of being pure entertainment on one-side and a new go-to-market strategies on the other, with different kinds of monetisation models for each side. While western startups have centred around the 'livestreaming as product' theme, China... See more
Substack • Livestreaming monetisation models
It's a digital age QVC but with the added FOMO that the other thousand viewers could buy out the stock before you get there. Driven by a fear of counterfeit goods and a demand for experiential retail, viewers love the instant gratification of seeing the product in action then immediately buying it. The backdrop to the buying frenzy is a holistic e-... See more
Substack • Livestreaming monetisation models
'Livestreaming as a distribution channel' monetisation strategies This is what an e-commerce livestream looks like on Taobao: The livestream host is showing off the new skirt while reading comments from viewers about how the clothes will fit on different frames. Clicking on the basket sign takes me to a check-out while the stream is sti... See more
Substack • Livestreaming monetisation models
Based on the livestreaming trends in China, here are my predictions for the future: Prediction 1: 1 to 1 face-off competition is coming, Prediction 2: The players who own the logistics and fulfilment structures will be the winners for e-commerce livestreaming, Prediction 3: The popular influencers of Youtube and Instagram will be ... See more