Jenny Andersson on LinkedIn: In celebration of the people and tools who can deveil systems so that we…
As Fritjof Capra says: a machine can be controlled, a living system can only be disturbed. At best, we will find ways of carefully nudging a living system. According to Donella Meadows, we must find its leverage points, those pivots that allow us to influence system behavior. Most importantly: after each cautious inter- vention, we must patiently o... See more
Understanding Living Systems
Moreover, since structure in human systems includes the “operating policies” of the decision makers in the system, redesigning our own decision making redesigns the system structure.
Peter M. Senge • The Fifth Discipline
For more material on archetypes, see Systems Archetypes: Diagnosing Systemic Issues and Designing High-Leverage…
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Art Kleiner • The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: Strategies for Building a Learning Organization
A regenerative business is created through an inherently systemic work design that grows the capacity for systemic thinking and action in the entire organization.
Carol Sanford • The Regenerative Business
Leaps of Abstraction.
Peter M. Senge • The Fifth Discipline
Futures of regenerative scale and shared growth, that combat monoculture through a stronger, broader, and more rooted ecology of adaptation and co-evolution.