Saved by Lucas Kohorst and
How pour-over coffee got good - Works in Progress
Meanwhile, publications, still burdened with relics of a bygone era, like copy desks, fact checkers, human resource departments, and health care plans, find themselves locked in a losing battle against a nimbler opponent, one with none of the checks and balances that gum up the production of hot takes.
Mark Stenberg • The Medium pivot is the message
Dripkit - Make Great Coffee, Anywhere
dripkit.coffeeSquare Mile Coffee
squaremileblog.comin the late 2010s, when she was working there at an urbanism nonprofit. Gonzalez saw it as a form of gentrification, or even an echo of colonialism in a postcolonial country. Generically minimalist coffee shops were popping up on Kloof Street, in Cape Town Central. Gonzalez identified them by their “long wooden tables, wrought-iron finishings,…
Kyle Chayka • Filterworld
Take the humble “document” as an example. For decades, document editing programs like word processors effectively emulated a printed sheet of paper, onto which the user typed with an emulated typewriter. Other software tools like spreadsheets did better, managing to escape complete skeuomorphism in favor of an infinite canvas. Notion is another goo... See more