Growth Hacker Marketing
If you know the Way broadly you will see it in everything. —MIYAMOTO
Ryan Holiday • Growth Hacker Marketing
Today, as a marketer, our task isn’t necessarily to “build a brand” or even to maintain a preexisting one. We’re better off building an army of immensely loyal and passionate users. Which is easier to track, define, and grow? Which of these is real, and which is simply an idea? And when you get that right—a brand will come naturally.
Ryan Holiday • Growth Hacker Marketing
how do you get, maintain, and multiply attention in a scalable and efficient way?
Ryan Holiday • Growth Hacker Marketing
“Marketing has always been about the same thing—who your customers are and where they are.”5 What growth hackers do is focus on the “who” and “where” more scientifically, in a more measurable way.
Ryan Holiday • Growth Hacker Marketing
You know what the single worst marketing decision you can make is? Starting with a product nobody wants or nobody needs.
Ryan Holiday • Growth Hacker Marketing
Virality isn’t luck. It’s not magic. And it’s not random. There’s a science behind why people talk and share. A recipe. A formula, even.
Ryan Holiday • Growth Hacker Marketing
This means that our outward-facing marketing and PR efforts are needed simply to reach out to and capture, at the beginning, a group of highly interested, loyal, and fanatical users. Then we grow with and because of them.
Ryan Holiday • Growth Hacker Marketing
“Marketing has always been about the same thing—who your customers are and where they are.”
Ryan Holiday • Growth Hacker Marketing
They opt, deliberately, to attract only the early adopters who make or break new tech services and seek to do it as cheaply as possible.
Ryan Holiday • Growth Hacker Marketing
Virality isn’t luck. It’s not magic. And it’s not random. There’s a science behind why people talk and share. A recipe. A formula, even. —JONAH BERGER