
The fear of silence is the fear of the unknown. But it’s also the fear of what might become known.
Leigh Marz • Golden
There’s nothing more cognitively wasteful than noisy thoughts of “me.”
Leigh Marz • Golden
So, here’s another way to describe what happens in the state of inner quiet: we stop talking to ourselves about ourselves.
Leigh Marz • Golden
“Genes are like keys on a piano.” When we get caught in ruminative chatter, we hit discordant notes.
Leigh Marz • Golden
“I started quieting the noise by quieting my responses to the noise,”
Leigh Marz • Golden
Silence is humility. It’s a stance of not-knowing, a place of letting go. Silence is accepting that it’s okay to not fill the space. It’s good to just be.
Leigh Marz • Golden
Notice noise. Tune in to silence. There are three basic steps to the process: Pay attention to the diverse forms of auditory, informational, and internal interference that arise in your life. Study how to navigate them. Perceive the small pockets of peace that live amidst all the sounds and stimuli. Seek these spaces. Savor them. Go as