Escape Competition Through Authenticity

“Escape competition through authenticity.” Basically, when you’re competing with people, it’s because you’re copying them.
Tim Ferriss • The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness
Naval Ravikant • The Internet Has Massively Broadened Career Possibilities
Naval Ravikant • The Internet Has Massively Broadened Career Possibilities
Ironically, the people who create fulfilling lives and careers—the ones we respect, admire and try to emulate—choose an alternative path to success. They have a powerful sense of identity. They don’t worry about differentiating themselves from the competition or obsess about telling the right story. They tell the real story instead.
Bernadette Jiwa • Story Driven: You don't need to compete when you know who you are
No one can compete with you on being you.
Tim Ferriss • The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness
James Clear • Martha Graham on the Hidden Danger of Comparing Yourself to Others
The Bhagavad-Gita says, “It is better to follow your own path, however imperfectly, than to follow someone else’s perfectly.” Consider the people who have found their voice and made a real impact: their paths always differ, but their practices overlap in many ways. At the heart of the creative’s practice is trust: the difficult journey to trust in
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