Emil Michael (ex CBO at Uber)
Emil Michael (ex CBO at Uber)
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Ted Glasnow
In today's environment, it would be very difficult to institute a "hustle" environment
Erik Torenberg
Emil Michael (ex CBO at Uber)
Companies can either be tribes or civilizations.
Erik Torenberg
Emil Michael (ex CBO at Uber)
The ambition to be global from day one was very rare before Uber. This ambition requires a blitz-scaling mentality
Erik Torenberg
Emil Michael (ex CBO at Uber)
When Emil joined Uber, his role was scoped as "the external face to Uber"
Erik Torenberg
Emil Michael (ex CBO at Uber)
Hire for a plan, not for a problem.
Erik Torenberg
Emil Michael (ex CBO at Uber)
Founders should spend at least 1/3 of their time hiring
Erik Torenberg
Emil Michael (ex CBO at Uber)
Chief Business Officer tends to focus on fundraising, M&A, and incubating business within a business. Essentially, CBO is the venture capital arm of the business
Erik Torenberg
Emil Michael (ex CBO at Uber)
A product without a monetization plan is a feature, not a company
Erik Torenberg
Emil Michael (ex CBO at Uber)
When it comes to hiring, the leaders of the start-up should interview every key hire as long as possible. This promotes cultural consistency
Erik Torenberg
Emil Michael (ex CBO at Uber)
To promote the diffusion of best-practices, Uber has very frequent summits that brought all distributed employees together
Erik Torenberg
Emil Michael (ex CBO at Uber)