You need to be able to draw insight and to structure that information such that people can then act on it. What is doing that? Today, transformation tools like dbt are doing that, if you take the lens of the data team really owning everything end-to-end, but I think also applications that are able to plug into the data warehouse, consume this raw i... See more
it's hard, as Salesforce, to re-architect your entire platform to be built on top of this notion of a cloud data warehouse, especially when all these other vendors have already built tools on top of your own platform. I'm not sure how you go from point A to point B there.
one consistent theme, long-term, will be that the lines between sales and success increasingly become blurred, because there's not much difference between a user who's free and a user who's been a paying customer for a while. Your job as a go-to-market team should be to help that user unlock value from the product and continue to realize new value ... See more