Saved by Scott Jeffries and
CGI Head Human at DuckDuckGo
Saved by Scott Jeffries and
Indeed, every single frame in a big-budget Hollywood action film today has been built up with so many layers of additional details that it should be thought of as a moving painting rather than as a moving photograph.
The complexity of the human brain dwarfs that of anything else in the known universe, but it’s almost belied by the sheer elegance of its construction.
when we look beyond transient technological limitations, we see that image generators merely provide the interface – the ‘connecting cable’ – between the user and the true virtual-reality generator, which is the computer. For it is entirely within the computer that the specified environment is simulated.
So living processes and virtual-reality renderings are, superficial differences aside, the same sort of process. Both involve the physical embodying of general theories about an environment. In both cases these theories are used to realize that environment and to control, interactively, not just its instantaneous appearance but also its detailed re
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