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Culture Is the Client
Culture is an Ecosystem: A Manifesto Towards a New Cultural Criticism (2)
culture.ghost.ioBrands and commodities therefore need to be considered and critiqued on the basis of the specific cultural and economic contributions they make to society. People co-create their identities with brands just as they do with religions, communities, and other other systems of meaning. This constructivist view is incompatible with popular forms of post... See more
subpixel space • After Authenticity
In the new cultural economy, the culture is the product. It is composed of practices, ideas, and discourses. Products are auxiliary, supportive, but not the main event. And most importantly, people now opt into these designed cultures with full knowledge and awareness that these cultures might change who they are. The authenticity-driven culture o
... See moreToby Shorin • Life After Lifestyle
Organizations often don’t have the time nor resources dedicated to these types of analyses and forecasts, or don't have their antennae tuned precisely to separate signal from noise. Clients are also biased. They work with their own truths. Cultural strategists and semioticians provide both external insight and foresight.
Noël Theodosiou • The Radical Potential of Semiotics & Cultural Strategy
Designing For Desire
fwb.helpCulture includes the often invisible systems that influence our day-to-day experiences and how people work together.
While there are plenty of articles and resources that talk about culture at work and shaping the future of work, what is missing from the conversation about culture is how it works and what specifically to do to build it, shape it an... See more
While there are plenty of articles and resources that talk about culture at work and shaping the future of work, what is missing from the conversation about culture is how it works and what specifically to do to build it, shape it an... See more
- "Rather than applying the traditional object oriented approach of wrapping a consumer around a product; instead by identifying every opportunity to establish a brand as a cultural institution (that serves the public in it’s operation), the brand consistently fortifies an ethical and moral foundation from which to exist."