Cultural deviation does not return us to the past, but continues what was begun and not finished in the past. Societal convention, on the other hand, requires that a completed past be repeated in the future. Society has all the seriousness of immortal necessity; culture resounds with the laughter of unexpected possibility. Society is abstract, culture concrete. — James P. Carse, Finite and Infinite Games

Cultural deviation does not return us to the past, but continues what was begun and not finished in the past. Societal convention, on the other hand, requires that a completed past be repeated in the future. Society has all the seriousness of immortal necessity; culture resounds with the laughter of unexpected possibility. Society is abstract, culture concrete.

— James P. Carse, Finite and Infinite Games

Saved by Alex Dobrenko

Steven Pressfield The War of Art

Will Durant The Lessons of History

Yuval Noah Harari Homo Deus

Martin Hägglund This Life: Secular Faith and Spiritual Freedom

Finite and Infinite Games

James Carse
Cover of Finite and Infinite Games

Be Sincere—Not Serious

Thumbnail of Be Sincere—Not Serious

Andrew Root The Congregation in a Secular Age (Ministry in a Secular Age Book #3): Keeping Sacred Time against the Speed of Modern Life