Business Strategy on a Page

Simon Wardley • Highlights From medium.com
I emphasize this because there is a widespread misconception that a business strategy is some sort of long-range sketch of a desired destination. I encourage you to think of strategy as a journey through, over, and around a sequence of challenges.
Richard Rumelt • The Crux: How Leaders Become Strategists
Startups also have a true north, a destination in mind: creating a thriving and world-changing business. I call that a startup’s vision. To achieve that vision, startups employ a strategy, which includes a business model, a product road map, a point of view about partners and competitors, and ideas about who the customer will be. The product is the
... See moreEric Ries • The Lean Startup: The Million Copy Bestseller Driving Entrepreneurs to Success
On paper, the basic strategy should fit on no more than three typed pages. This may be shocking to those who think of strategic plans as thick, turgid documents. But keep in mind that no one reads thick, turgid documents. Instead think of creating a strategic guide that people at all levels can easily absorb. Specific tactical or implementation pla
... See moreJim Collins • Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0
Simon Wardley • Highlights From medium.com
you have a strategy, you should be able to link it directly to your P&L.
Joan Magretta • Understanding Michael Porter: The Essential Guide to Competition and Strategy