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Building a 21st century interface for science
Focusing solely on the incentive structures misses the elephant in the room: that we are still relying on 17th Century technology to capture and share knowledge.
Oliver Hunt • Building a 21st century interface for science
A major development in this trajectory, not limited to scientific journals alone, was the invention of graphical displays of information...Graphical displays of information are the foundation of every discipline concerned with quantitative information, because they make information human readable.
Oliver Hunt • Building a 21st century interface for science
public goods are not public goods if the public cannot understand them
Oliver Hunt • Building a 21st century interface for science
Words are a lossy medium for describing rich, multidimensional ideas.
Oliver Hunt • Building a 21st century interface for science
the problem is with the interface of scientific literature. We cannot expect the wider population to be scientifically literate if they are not given the capability of understanding the artifacts we use to communicate about new scientific developments.
Oliver Hunt • Building a 21st century interface for science
Fully open, easily accessible data, together with open debate and version control, enables much greater scrutiny over results, which should lead to more accurate knowledge.
Oliver Hunt • Building a 21st century interface for science
There may be good reason to be optimistic about non-'scientists' taking part in science....Innocentive creates prizes to incentivise a distributed global network to solve specific problems for organisations who can't solve those problems in-house. Problems can be highly technical (see image below), and span across many domains. I will reuse Michael... See more
Oliver Hunt • Building a 21st century interface for science
The responsibility of any interface is to understand and mitigate fallible human behaviours to meaningfully extend our capabilities.
Oliver Hunt • Building a 21st century interface for science
In this future, mainstream media no longer interprets scientific information. Instead, they draw directly from the source. In fact, all scientific communication and learning, including every textbook, lecture and online course draws from the same, original, primary artifacts accessible through the same interface. Expert scientists, lay readers and ... See more
Oliver Hunt • Building a 21st century interface for science
Let's take a moment to compare the beginning and the end of our 336 year journey:... It's hard to ignore that they are shockingly similar. (see image in article of publication from 1700s and today)