Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One
To go with the latter, we just have to make up our minds that change will probably entail a bit of discomfort, some inconvenience, a break from a predictable routine, and a period of not knowing.
So if you truly want a new personal reality, start observing all aspects of your present personality. Since they primarily operate below the level of conscious awareness, much like automatic software programs, you’ll have to go within and look at these elements you probably haven’t been aware of before. Given that your personality comprises how you
... See moreIn Theta, we are more programmable because there is no veil between the conscious and subconscious minds.
You also have to tell the truth about yourself. You have to come clean and reveal what you’ve been hiding in that shadow part of the gap.
Do that, and you have dominion over the environment, your body, and time. (I affectionately call these the Big Three.)
To initiate this step of creation, it is always good to move into a state of wonder, contemplation, possibility, reflection, or speculation by asking yourself some important questions. Open-ended inquiries are the most provocative approach to producing a fluent stream of consciousness: • What would it be like to … ? • What is a better way to be … ?
... See moreIf you can influence your brain to change before you experience a desired future event, you will create the appropriate neural circuits that will enable you to behave in alignment with your intention before it becomes a reality in your life. Through your own repeated mental rehearsal of a better way to think, act, or be, you will “install” the neur
... See moreNext, become aware of the teardrop-shaped area surrounding your body, and the space it takes up.
Rather than waiting for an occasion to cause you to feel a certain way, create the feeling ahead of any experience in the physical realm; convince your body emotionally that a “gratitude-generating” experience has already taken place.