Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One
Think about it: if you really knew that this principle were true, would you ever miss a day in intentionally creating your desired destiny?
If we truly embraced the notion that our thoughts produce tangible effects in our lives, wouldn’t we strive to never let one thought slip by us that we didn’t want to experience? And wouldn’t we focus our attention on what we want, instead of continually obsessing about our problems?
Your past shortfalls can be traced, at their root, to one major oversight: you haven’t committed yourself to living by the truth that your thoughts have consequences so great that they create your reality.
we are part of a vast, invisible field of energy, which contains all possible realities and responds to our thoughts and our feelings.
The observer effect in quantum physics states that where you direct your attention is where you place your energy. As a consequence, you affect the material world
subconscious level. Once you gain a new conception of the fundamental forces and elements
Hold a clear intention of what you want, but leave the “how” details to the unpredictable quantum field. Let it orchestrate an event in your life in a way that is just right for you. If you’re going to expect anything, expect the unexpected. Surrender, trust, and let go of how a desired event will unfold.
When our behaviors match our intentions, when our actions are equal to our thoughts, when our minds and our bodies are working together, when our words and our deeds are aligned … there is an immense power behind any individual.