frankie louise
frankie louise
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Drum Your Way to Enlightenment
In Western history, beginning in the 17th Century, it was considered the highest level of consciousness where reason displaced supernaturalism.
Our brain-scan studies show that neurological enlightenment actually exists, and when a person commits to a daily spiritual practice certain structural changes slowly occu
... See moreHuman Potential and Ideas I want to write about
daily spiritual practice
Perhaps what we need is art that is suggestive but not prescriptive, unashamedly mysterious, not didactic. Indeed, this is what art is uniquely able to do—seeking in places that reason and knowledge can’t reach, beyond the sacred, beyond the descriptive and beyond the coded world of technology. Perhaps we need this role more than ever, these spaces
... See moreWhen I have a piece of writing in mind, what I have, in fact, is a mental bucket: an attractor for and generator of thought. It’s like a thematic gravity well, a magnet for what would otherwise be a mess of iron filings. I’ll read books differently and listen differently in conversations. In particular I’ll remember everything better; everything wi
... See moreOne of the reasons I was stuck is because I believed I needed to predict the future. I believed I needed to find the perfect plan that wouldn’t fail. I believed I had to figure out how everything was going to directly pay off financially. I believed I needed to have it all figured out before I got started. I was doing everything I could to minimize
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