You’ll want to understand the rationale behind an agency’s work as you progress through your rebrand. This helps you confidently roll it out to your team and make educated decisions as you continue beyond the rebrand launch.
Bill Kenney • Conquer Your Rebrand
A point of view is not meant to be the headline of a Web site or the tag line on business cards. It’s not meant to explain the company’s entire value proposition. It is meant to get people thinking and talking.
Lois KELLY • Beyond Buzz: The Next Generation of Word-of-Mouth Marketing
Best explanation I've seen of what makes a "brand"
By Scott Thomas, via @jessicahische
** How do you describe at a party? was born out of this desire to create a platform that helped you find people through information, and vice versa. That’s essentially the thing that does, plus enabling you to learn more about yourself through the information you collect.