About Priya Parker | Her Story — Priya Parker
These experiences hold lessons of how to be both a strong leader and a strong follower, how to pay attention and be in your body, how to use your body, and how to read other bodies in the room. Connection and meaning-making aren’t just lingual, the group is also a deeply physical being.
About Priya Parker | Her Story — Priya Parker
Priya is trained in multiple modalities including Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue, Track 2 Dialogue, inter-group dialogue, and an array of collective processes.
About Priya Parker | Her Story — Priya Parker
Some of the smartest practices and group-building exercises come from the theater. They are powerful group methodologies that play with a healthy balance of the individual and the group — locating techniques and moments of choice of when and how a group comes together while allowing individuals to still have a voice.
About Priya Parker | Her Story — Priya Parker
Sustained Dialogue is small group dialogue methodology that focuses on transforming relationships in a group in order to change something out in the world.
About Priya Parker | Her Story — Priya Parker
Priya’s expertise lies in framing conversation, and listening and tracking for language and how it begins to shift and shape perceptions in a group. Her speciality is facilitating meaningful conversations that activate a group's sense of possibility and identity.