Saved by Sindhu Shivaprasad and
J. R. CARPENTER || a Handmade Web
I evoke the term 'handmade web' to suggest slowness and smallness as forms of resistance. In today's highly commercialised web of multinational corporations, proprietary applications, read-only devices, search algorithms, Content Management Systems, WYSIWYG editors, and digital publishers it becomes an increasingly radical act to hand-code and self... See more
J. R. Carpenter • J. R. CARPENTER || a Handmade Web
In October 2014 the online journal GIZMODO published an article heralding The Great Web 1.0 Revival. Its author Kyle Chayka observed: The booming size of today's mainstream social networks and the constant level of noise we have to deal with has inspired a sudden return to a time when the internet was quieter, safer, and more intimate… We're nostal... See more