A guide for finding product-market fit in B2B
If you’re feeling stuck on your path to PMF, take 10 minutes and deeply think about these questions:
- Is the problem you’re solving truly important and underserved ?
- Is your solution Delta-4 better than the status quo?
- Have you tried rethinking your ICP ? How truly painful is the pain you’re attempting to solve for them?
- Have you tried rethinking you
Lenny Rachitsky • A guide for finding product-market fit in B2B
In terms of feeling market-message fit, there’s a few ways you can test it. One, based on launch press coverage, e.g. who wants to talk about it. You send an email using cold outbound and look at response rates.
Lenny Rachitsky • A guide for finding product-market fit in B2B
The actionable thing for me on the product-market fit stuff is it’s just really focusing on customer love.
Lenny Rachitsky • A guide for finding product-market fit in B2B
a spectrum that provides a useful guide to finding ever-increasing PMF:
- Step 1: Get one company to love your product
- Step 2: Get one company to pay (a meaningful amount of money) for your product
- Step 3 : Get more than one company to love and pay for your product
- Step 4: Start noticing a shift from push to pull, and organic growth
- Step 5: Keep grow
Lenny Rachitsky • A guide for finding product-market fit in B2B
We spent about a year building, when in retrospect, we should have spent half that time talking to customers. And if we had, we would’ve wasted a lot less time on customers who were never going to buy.
Lenny Rachitsky • A guide for finding product-market fit in B2B
Stop thinking of product-market fit as a yes or no question—but instead as a process of finding fit with more segments of the market.
Lenny Rachitsky • A guide for finding product-market fit in B2B
When thinking about pricing, the best advice is to charge more than you think you should.
Lenny Rachitsky • A guide for finding product-market fit in B2B
The journey to PMF starts by finding just one company to truly love your product.
Lenny Rachitsky • A guide for finding product-market fit in B2B
Start noticing a shift from push to pull, and organic growth
Lenny Rachitsky • A guide for finding product-market fit in B2B