A Chat With The King of Music: An Interview With Daniel Ek

Tobias Lutke Mark Zuckerberg + Spotify & Shopify's CEOs discuss the Creator Economy on PressClub

Patrick O'Shaughnessy Daniel Ek – The Future of Audio - [Invest Like the Best, EP.147]

✖️ How the emerging Web3 WILL and WON’T disrupt music streaming

Bas Grasmayermusicx.substack.com
Thumbnail of ✖️ How the emerging Web3 WILL and WON’T disrupt music streaming

Eugene Wei – Tech, Media, and Culture - [Invest Like the Best, EP.117]


Chris Dalla Riva Music's Past & Future: Talking with Michael Pelczynski

10 Forecasts for the Near Future of Tech 🔮

Scott Belskymedium.com
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The state of sound in 2020 and beyond

Gaby Goldbergbvp.com
Thumbnail of The state of sound in 2020 and beyond