Such considerations of sound and rhythm should go into everything you write. If all your sentences move at the same plodding gait, which even you recognize as deadly but don’t know how to cure, read them aloud. (I write entirely by ear and read everything aloud before letting it go out into the world.) You’ll begin to hear where the trouble lies. S
... See moreWilliam Zinsser • On Writing Well, 30th Anniversary Edition: An Informal Guide to Writing Nonfiction
You don’t have to write short sentences forever. Only until you find a compelling reason for a long sentence That’s as clear and direct as a short sentence. You’ll be tempted to say, “But short sentences sound so choppy.” Only a string of choppy sentences sounds choppy. Think about variation and rhythm, The rhythm created by two or three sentences
... See moreVerlyn Klinkenborg • Several Short Sentences About Writing
To write is to create music. The words you write make sounds, and when those sounds are in harmony, the writing will work.
Gary Provost • 100 Ways to Improve Your Writing (Updated): Proven Professional Techniques for Writing with Style and Power
Keep your paragraphs short. Writing is visual—it catches the eye before it has a chance to catch the brain. Short paragraphs put air around what you write and make it look inviting, whereas a long chunk of type can discourage a reader from even starting to read.
William Zinsser • On Writing Well, 30th Anniversary Edition: An Informal Guide to Writing Nonfiction

First You Write a Sentence.: The Elements of Reading, Writing … and Life.
Joe Moran • 1 highlight