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Why Shia LeBeouf Walked The Red Carpet In A Paper Bag. It was the 2014 Berlin Film Festival when Shia LeBeouf would wear a paper bag over his head for the entirety of the red carpet event that read "| AM NOT FAMOUS ANYMORE" in all capital letters across his face. The actor explained during an interview with Ellen, he was "going through an existentialist crisis" at the time. This was instigated by an incident where he was accused of plagiarism. He had recently released a 12-minute short film on Twitter starring Jim Gaffigan and it was quickly scrutinized for its striking similarities to a work of fiction created by graphic novelist Daniel Clowes. As an apology for the act, later that month Shia turned his apology into a performance where Shia sat in an LA art gallery room for an entire week allowing guests to come and do whatever they want to him including harming him in an instillation called #IAMSORRY, the entire performance was done with the bag over his head. This performance act and the red carpet event have become just as large as and even synonymous with the plagiarism itself. A move it seems Shia has found a way of becoming comfortable in, taking any situation and pulling more out of it than most humans ever see possible. Whether it's for good or bad, that parts up to you. @ihatearchive
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